It took me a week to get here since I couldn't subscribe immediately, but I'm here checking in as usual staring at my shelf of Newberg Reports and Baseball Prospectus anthologies. I have them all. As a Ranger fan who grew up in Irving who has been watching and listening since the beginning in 1972, your work got me through being out of touch with the Rangers since moving to North Carolina in 1986. I wouldn't have dreamed of not subscribing, although I hope you do what Joe Sheehan has done and offer a lifetime subscription option for those of us who only have a few years left before being on a fixed income.

Please give those of us an update on what happens with Scott's reports and writing, and of the rest of the folks who are in your sphere of influence who help give us good experiences and content.

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I’m so excited you are BACK!

I have followed you for years on the email NMLR, and I have all the bound editions, including the Championship edition of course! When you moved to The Athletic, I immediately followed you there. To my great enjoyment I also discovered Bob and Levi there, along with many others. We have met a few times, and I feel a bond with you as a fellow DFW native who loves the Rangers more than even the Cowboys! Even as a professional I feel a bit of a bond with you (you are a lawyer and I am a doctor); just like you “left” the Newberg Report to go to the bigger and “better” Athletic, I closed my private Family Practice to join a bigger and “better” large group, which turned out over the years to be much less than what was promised, so like you I am back running my own solo practice again starting in 2024!

You were obviously restricted at TA, although you never would have said a word about it. Like others, I did not know you were writing for D Magazine, but I’ll have to figure out how to get those in my inbox. When Levi was reassigned, then Bob was forced to leave TA, it left you as the only reason I still kept my Athletic subscription. Well, you and the fact that they wouldn’t refund anything for cancelling my annual renewal before March haha! Now that you are here, along with Bob, I can cancel TA without any regrets when my subscription runs out next month.

To have a chance to be a “founding member” (whatever that actually means) is an honor, because your love and passion for the Rangers exceeds even my own. I don’t know how you have the time and energy to do the Newberg Report on top of your professional and family obligations, but I am very happy that you do! Count me in, for as long as you are willing to keep writing, wherever you may go now and in the future!

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Right on, Chris. Welcome aboard!

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Welcome to Substack, Jamey, and congratulations on the new gig. I was so excited yesterday when Bob mentioned you would be joining us here. I had barely discovered you on TA when the rug got pulled out from underneath us just in time for the Rangers greatest season.

As a Rangers fan, I go all the way back to their inception. My ex and I went to our first game at Arlington Stadium (nee Turnpike Stadium from the DFW Spurs days) on our honeymoon, driving 300 miles from Sonora, via Brady Lake.

I spent most of my adult life in west Texas before retiring nine me years ago back to the house I grew up in in DeLeon in Comanche County at the crossroads of Texas. Texas’ two longest state highways, 6 and 16 meet here before connecting the states southernmost regions with its northern extremes.

I had suggested a column idea to Bob recently although I’m not sure how it could be quantifiable. It seems to me that the DFW sports teams have a deeper market penetration in the far reaches of the state than the Houston squads, and I think I know the reason for that—the newspaper and radio penetration that until recent years made it easier for fans to follow the Metroplex teams.

Let me explain my theory. Over 40 years ago when I was editor and publisher at the San Saba News and Star, we got a

Complementary copy of the Dallas Morning News every day in the mail. When I spent the last 30 years of my working life in Odessa, the DMN was available broadly after being bussed from Dallas in the wee hours of the night.

There was a time when I don’t think you could drive anywhere in Texas when the Cowboys were playing that you couldn’t

find a radio station with the game on. The 100,000 watt stations like WBAP and KRLD pushed the nightly Rangers games into the far reaches of the state.

Jerry Jones was smart enough to hold training camps in Austin, San Antonio and Wichita Falls to build loyal fan bases in those cities , even though the players were probably sweating too much to appreciate the nuances of team marketing.

My point is that, in those pre-internet days, it was easier for fans to get connected to the DFW teams when they had sources of information to feel like they were more involved and “knew” the players, coaches, and yes, owners, though a steady barrage of stories and interviews instead of just a wire service story in their local paper.

Ii could be wrong, and I’m not sure how you could quantify this phenomena, but it might be interesting to try.

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I can’t pass up the chance to become a Founding member or whatever it is. I’m excited. Before too long, we need a little write up about Blaine Crim.

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Yep. In due time.

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Good Bye Athletic, hello Newbergreport!

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Well I'm definitely going to subscribe. I followed Bob Sturm over here to substack and I'm going to follow you as well, Jamey. I've been reading you since at least 2000 and maybe a little before that when I discovered the Newberg report. Love your writing and, frankly, did not realize you were doing that much at D magazine. I'm going to have to go back and take a look at their archives. I did buy a copy of your recent book and maybe everything is actually in that book and I can look at it there.

We've actually traveled several times from Corpus Christi to your Newberg night at Ranger stadium and always enjoyed the access you had to Ranger management. We met a couple of times. I'm actually a personal injury lawyer in Corpus Christi in case you remember me. You probably don't cuz it was quite a few years ago. Looking forward to you expanding your horizons and maybe taking the Guardrails off that have been placed on you by the Athletic like Mr Sturm. I have always admired the amount of content you put out since I know how hard you have to work your day job to get your billable hours in and having a family on top of that.

Thanks for keeping this up.

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Of course I remember you, Tim. Let's go.

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Now if we can just get them to reopen Sherlock’s for a book release party, all will be well with the baseball world.😉

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All signed up, cancelled Athletic. Let’s go.

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I’m here for as deep in the weeds as you can get. Loved Trot and would love to see the evolved version, if it comes up. LFG!

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"The Bob Sturm of the Texas Rangers"????? Let's get some of that expert, long-time observer analysis!!! Baseball Savant deep dives!!! All-10 breakdowns!!!

Haha I kid I kid. Happy to have you and the Newberg Report up and running again!

Nobody can cover the sitting, reigning, and defending World Series Champions like you will.



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I'm pretty sure my days reading your Rangers writing goes back to the debut of Jeff Zimmerman, which if you have been doing this 26 years, is almost that far back. I was already a season ticket holder and fantasy player at that point and nothing much has changed on those fronts, although somewhere along the way we had kids they grew up and we've now sent them off into the world with Rangers baseball a huge part of their journeys. Looking forward to this new chapter for you.

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Awesome. Welcome back, Bruce.

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Been reading Jamey's stuff for over 20 years now... am I gonna suddenly stop NOW, after the first championship in Rangers history? Hell no. Count me in. Flags Fly Forever and hopefully NMLR will too.

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Awesome comment!

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Shoot, been following you since DVD was the future of the franchise. Can’t stop now. Let’s gooooo.

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Looking forward to the new era of The Newberg Report!

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Yay! Glad to see this! Let's Go!

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Excited to have Full Newberg back in my mailbox with a visceral reaction after a 3 game losing streak in May. I’ll happily pay to see a TROT COFFEY once again!

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